The Flash Season 5: 5 Ups & 1 Downs From 'Memorabilia'


5. Sherloque Shines

The Flash Harrison Sherloque Wells
The CW

Ever since Sherloque Wells made his debut on the show, he found himself struggling to live up to his Harrison Wells-shaped predecessors. That's not to say that Tom Cavanagh wasn't great because, like always, he was brilliant in the role - the problem lay in the character, who wasn't able to provide us with anything other than comic relief. However, since the midseason premiere, he has slowly been turning the tide.

While he has been investigating Cicada on behalf of Team Flash, it's his investigation into Nora's backstory that has given him some real teeth and, with each passing week, he is beginning to make more of an impact. However, this week's episode highlighted just how much of an asset he can be to the team, as he unveiled his Earth-221 memory machine to Team Flash and provided them with an opportunity to get some real answers. Moreover, throughout the episode he also subtly continued his investigation into Nora and, of course, spoke some more lines of unbridled hilarity - showcasing all of his talents at once.

While his memory machine failed to give Team Flash what they were looking for, it may have provided him with what he needed, bringing him one step closer to figuring out the mystery that is Nora West-Allen - and perhaps that was his intention all along. If so, Sherloque certainly backed up his level of intellect and proved that he just may be the multiverse's greatest detective after all.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.