The Flash Season 5: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Godspeed'
1. Barry's Senseless Behaviour

While Nora's revelation shocked every member of Team Flash, Barry felt the blow harder than anyone. It's understandable, really - he did just find out that his daughter had a secret partnership with the man who killed his mother. That said, it pushed him a little further than usual as he took it upon himself to return Nora to 2049 and leave her there and, well, to be quite honest, this didn't really seem all that authentic.
Had this just been an isolated incident, it would have carried a ton of gravity because, aside from the fact that he's literally a superhero, this kind-hearted character would have been pushed so far beyond the point of reason that he would abandon his daughter in a foreign time without really saying goodbye. A jaw-dropper, right?
Unfortunately, it wasn't an isolated innocent as the writers have continued to use Barry as a narrative tool this season, changing his behaviour to suit whichever episodic story they're attempting to tell and, as a result, he's constantly acted out. As a result, his actions this week didn't feel all that jaw-dropping, they felt ridiculous and out of character.
Aside from all that, let's not forget that we're literally talking about the man who made a name for himself by manipulating, changing, destroying and fixing more timelines than Eobard Thawne and Jay Garrick could count. He's also worked with Thawne himself on a number of occasions for the greater good, despite knowing what he was capable of. Throw in the fact that every impulsive decision he's ever made has turned out to have dreadful repercussions, and you would think that he'd at least cut Nora a little slack.
Damn it, Barry.
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