The Flash Season 5: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'King Shark Vs. Gorilla Grodd'


2. Cicada Continues To Remain Unimportant

The Flash Cicada
The CW

While it was admittedly great to see the once-prominent Flash foes Gorilla Grodd and King Shark back in action, the focus on the gigantic collision meant that there was, once again, no focus on the season’s Big Bad, Cicada. On one hand, this was actually a good thing because Cicada is, in many ways, the season's weakest link, but on the other hand, this episode highlighted that to an even greater deal.

A Cicada-free episode should not be considered a good thing at this stage. The character has yet to evoke any real emotion from the majority of viewers and that certainly isn't going to change with his constant absences.

The cloak-wearing villain has been a thorn in Team Flash’s side since the beginning of the season and yet he hasn’t really been given the chance to do much of importance. Other than a few major episodes here and there, it really is beginning to feel like Team Flash aren’t taking him seriously enough and, quite frankly, it’s easy to see why – the writers are literally going round in circles.

If he isn’t escaping with ease, he’s completely absent from the episode and, as ‘King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd’ chose the latter option, it meant that the character was once again deprived of the chance to become even remotely interesting..

At this stage, it’s hard to tell who cares about Cicada less: viewers or the writers. Neither of those scenarios should be a reality, but here we are.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.