The Flash Season 6 (Part 2): 5 Theories On The Identity Of The New Big Bad

4. Black Hole

The Flash Godspeed
The CW

A sinister criminal organization that has been quietly making its presence felt through underground crime in Central City, Black Hole's existence has been teased since the beginning of the season but it's only really come to the forefront now. Yes, Iris West-Allen's competence as a reporter not only unearthed their existence, it clearly unsettled them enough to kill some of her contacts as a warning before sending one of their operatives (Doctor Light) to take her out.

Given the mystery surrounding their existence, and how formidable a collective foe they've already proven themselves to be, it's easy to see why they're the most likely candidates for Big Bad of Part 2. The narrative has placed something of a heavy emphasis on them, and the fact that they're a relatively recent addition to the comics gives them an air of mystery that some of the more iconic villains just wouldn't have.

What makes them even more intriguing is the fact that, in the comics, they have a direct link to the Speed Force as Joseph Carver - the C.E.O. of McCulloch Tech in the TV series and the man who hired them - taps into and essentially weaponizes it. And given that there's an upcoming episode of the show that delves into an apparent change in the Speed Force, it's looking increasingly likely that they'll be up to the same tricks on our TVs very soon.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.