The Flash Season 6 Review: 3 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang'

1. Carlos Valdes' Performance

the flash
The CW

Carlos Valdes was nothing short of a gem this week. Well, in all honesty, he's always a gem because he always brings it, but this week in particular, he knocked it out of the park.

Cisco had quite a complex and heavy character journey in this one, as he struggled with the death of Gypsy, the realization that he could be facing life imprisonment on a foreign Earth and the fact that he didn't have any kind of faith in himself, and Valdes brought all of that to life with ease - relaying the emotional turmoil that the character was in throughout.

Furthermore, he then had to pull double duty as Cisco ended up discovering that the person who killed Gypsy (a.k.a. Echo) was actually his doppelganger. It was quite the experience seeing him take on another version of his character (something we hadn't seen him do since Season 2) and it was all the more amazing seeing each version of the character interact with one another - a scene that really highlighted his range as an actor.

Valdes always wins our hearts, but this week, he stole them. From his emotional breakdown while grieving Cynthia to the ease with which he took on the villainous role, he proved himself an effective lead and reminded us just how powerful a performer he truly is.


What did you make of 'Kiss Kiss Breach Breach'? Tell us in the comment section below.


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Titans Jason
Warner Bros.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.