The Flash Season 6 Review: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'License To Elongate'


2. Blood Don't Work

The Flash Season 6
The CW

It sounds unusual claiming that the sheer enjoyability of 'License To Elongate' was one of its downsides, but alas, this writer couldn't help but feel that it was. Now, don't jump to conclusions or anything, the episode itself was, as previously stated, enjoyable but the issue with that is that it was so entertaining, it was real easy to forget that Ramsey Rosso/Bloodwork even existed (until his return in the post-titles tease).

So far this season, each episode has done a great job of juggling the season's Bloodwork narrative with the overarching Crisis On Infinite Earths narrative, but as this episode needed to use a pleasant standalone adventure to fuel one of those storylines, the other one was irrelevant - and it wasn't until it was fully absent that this writer realised how irrelevant it was.

Though the stakes in Bloodwork's arc are incredibly high (especially as far as he's concerned), it can't compete with the mind-bending madness of multiverse melting anti-matter involved in the Crisis. Thus, perhaps it would be better to save Ramsey's story until the second half of the season?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.