The Flash Season 6 Review: 4 Ups & 3 Downs From 'There Will Be Blood'

2. Forced Conflict

The FLash Season 6
The CW

The argument between Barry and Cisco over what to do with the apparent cure stemmed from a place of love - that much was obvious - but the execution of it felt very, well, convenient. Yes, Cisco doesn't want to lose his best friend and, as he has told us many times before, he's willing to do anything to save him, but the idea that he would disregard Ramsey's life without thought didn't feel very, well, Cisco.

While there's certainly an argument to be made over the fact that the thought of losing Barry is what's making him behave irrationally, the episode could have used more character moments focused just on Cisco himself in order to let us see how it was affecting him. A little bit of guilt goes a long way.

This just felt like the writers absolutely knew Cisco and Barry had to disagree and argue over this, so all that mattered was that the end justified the means - and, for the most part, it did. But there was still a disconnect here that left Cisco's actions feeling uncharacteristic and underdeveloped.

Speaking of forced conflict, are we really supposed to believe that the smartest guy in S.T.A.R. Labs would store the cure he stole in a container (that he left out in the open) that just so happened to look exactly like the one he stole it from with the exact same temperature digits above it? Like, for real?

Again, more uncharacteristic (and convenient) reasons to force this conflict rather than allowing it to happen naturally.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.