The Flash Season 6 Review: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Pay The Piper'

4. The Godspeed We've Been Waiting For

The Flash Godspeed
The CW

Godspeed's checkered history on The Flash is, well, really quite checkered if we're being honest.

A recent addition to the comics, the villain is capable of being a Big Bad on the show, and yet he was wasted as a villain-of-the-week last season in an episode that portrayed him as nothing more than an impostor. And since then, copies of the original have returned to the present, making it seem like we're just never going to see the real Godspeed on the show.

Though the version that showed up in 'Pay The Piper' ultimately turned out to be another fake, it's hard to deny that it made for a chilling watch simply because we didn't know this at the time. Yes, the fact that this writer found himself in complete and utter awe at a Godspeed that still wasn't the real one highlights just how well the writers put this one together. And so, for three quarters of the episode we really were convinced that he'd finally arrived.

A larger-than-life entity like we always hoped he would be, it's hard to imagine how the real thing will manage to outdo this. However, it's going to happen at some point - and after this week's adventure, I for one, certainly can't wait.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.