The Flash Season 6 Review: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Pay The Piper'

3. A Finale-Like Build

The Flash Eva McCulloch Mirror Master
The CW

Perhaps the creative team was able to rework some of the material before it got to air, or maybe it's just a microcosm of how non-stop the second half of The Flash Season 6 has been; whatever the reason, you've got to hand it to the writers because the show's build towards its unexpected finale has been very, very strong.

'Pay The Piper' may not have primarily focused on the main narrative, but it used its own storyline to enhance it; relying on everyone's sense of dread and confusion over their lost loved ones in the Mirrorverse to highlight just how high the stakes are. And that overall lack of hopefulness lent itself to the story nicely, reminding us all that Barry will stop at nothing to bring Iris, Kamilla and Captain Singh home - even if he has to do it without his speed.

All of that - plus the added tension of Iris' impending madness and that beautiful teaser of Eva McCulloch's awakening - ensured that we're heading towards an episode that feels very much like a finale, even if it wasn't supposed to be one. And yet, here we are: Excited AF.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.