The Flash Season 6 Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs From 'A Flash Of The Lightning'

2. The Crisis Is Coming

The Flash Crisis
The CW

The Crisis may be at the center of Arrow's final season, but it appears that this won't stop The Flash from retaining ownership over it. After all, the Crisis came into existence through this very show, so it stands to reason that the sixth season would devote some time to it in the final stretch before its arrival.

The multiverse-melting event has always seemed like a far-off abstract endgame that Team Flash would base their own timeline around, but 'A Flash of the Lightning' was finally the moment where that threat became tangible.

From Barry's heartbreaking realisation to the fact that we actually got to see our first glimpse of the Crisis at work (before Arrow would take that further), this episode raised the stakes dramatically and, with the Crisis on the horizon, that was long overdue.

Now, two of the Arrowverse's three primary heroes are fully aware of what the Anti-Monitor's anti-matter is capable of. And that, more than anything, has made the journey to Crisis all the more compelling.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.