The Flash Season 6 Review: 6 Ups & 2 Downs From 'The Last Temptation Of Barry Allen, Pt. 1'


6. Bloodwork On Infinite Earths

The Flash Barry Allen Ramsey Rosso
The CW

This season of The Flash has been attempting to juggle its own storyline with the overarching narrative of the Crisis - to varying to degrees of success. Though it managed to pull off the balance incredibly well at the beginning of the season, recent episodes have left new villain Ramsey Rosso a.k.a. Bloodwork feeling a little irrelevant. Well, let's just say that this one restored the balance.

Throughout the season, Barry has been attempting to help everyone else accept his impending doom even though he hasn't really had a chance to accept it himself. But at the end of the day, he's only human, so he was bound to struggle with his own mortality at some point. However, by using Ramsey's infection as the driving force behind that struggle, the writers seamlessly managed to blend the season's Bloodwork narrative with the Crisis storyline - having them both become one in the same.

In no way did it feel forced or contrived, as the behaviour of everyone involved felt totally in-line with their characters and it was completely believable that Barry would want to do the wrong thing for all those right reasons.

The slow build of Bloodwork ultimately paid off and, as a result, he feels like a real threat now - and given that we're talking about a villain that has been playing second fiddle to a universe-destroying Crisis, that really says a lot.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.