The Flash Season 6 Review: 7 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Grodd Friended Me'

2. Alls Wells But Which Wells?

The Flash Sherloque Wells Reverse-Flash Eobard Thawne
The CW

Nash Wells' apparent apparition problems got taken to a whole new level in the latest installment as, following his vision of Earth-2's Harry Wells, he ended up seeing Sherloque Wells as well. However, things took an even more frightful turn in the closing moments of the episode when Sherloque's eyes glowed red and he warned that he was coming.

Now, given the red eyes and how he was vibrating, it's highly likely that the he Sherloque was referring to is none other than Eobard Thawne himself a.k.a. the Reverse-Flash - the Season 1 Big Bad of The Flash that just so happens to enjoy wearing the face of Harrison Wells.

This subplot was already a considerably intriguing one, but things just got that much more interesting. And should it continue down this path, it could end up changing the very fabric of the show itself.

Is Thawne coming? And if so, what does he want? Time will undoubtedly tell.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.