The Flash Season 6 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Death Of The Speed Force'

2. No References To Jesse

The Flash Wally West Jesse Quick Wells
The CW

Maybe it's just this writer, but something just felt off about the fact that not a single person mentioned Jesse when Wally returned. The ex-girlfriend of Kid Flash, it was clear that the pair cared a great deal for each other - together or not - so you would think that somebody would have mentioned the fact that both she and her father Harry were apparently killed when Earth-2 was destroyed pre-Crisis.

Now, as Wally wasn't directly involved in Crisis, you might get away with suggesting that he wasn't filled in on what actually happened in order to spare him the pain, but as he mentioned the game-changing event, it's clear that he was at least told about it. And thus, it's highly likely that he would have asked about Jesse when he was.

Then again, maybe the Crisis changed him and he's completely unaware of parallel dimensions and ex-girlfriends... but then they'd have to explain why Nash looked like Harrison Wells - a conversation that didn't happen either.

Taking all that into account, it's a safe bet that Wally was informed/shown what happened in the Crisis, so again: Why didn't anyone mention Jesse?


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.