The Flash Season 6 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Death Of The Speed Force'

1. Forced Conflict

The Flash Season 6 Barry Allen
The CW

It was Wally’s return that ultimately drove the Speed Force narrative forward, but some of the execution left a little to be desired, particularly in regards to the blame he placed on Barry.

The whole ‘Damnit Barry’ phenomenon has been a long-running gag because of the Scarlet Speedster’s incessant desire to screw up the timeline, but this time it felt like the writers were capitalising on that reputation by forcing us to blame him for something he wasn’t entirely guilty of - something they attempted to accomplish with his unusually sheepish behaviour and refusal to address the problem.

Wally’s subsequent anger towards him also felt misguided. Sure, he wasn’t blaming Barry for what he did to the Speed Force under duress from Bloodwork (though that wasn’t what ultimately killed the dimension of speedster energy), but he was blaming him for leaving it so long to investigate. But didn’t Wally also leave it too long before flagging it up? And just where was he when he multiverse was falling apart?

The emotional drama that ensued was golden and it paved the way for some great scenes between the two speedsters, but it just felt like a number of logic hoops had be jumped through in order to get there.

If waiting too long was the crime, then Barry wasn’t the only one at fault here.

Now, for the positives...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.