The Flash Season 6 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Death Of The Speed Force'
5. The Focus On What Makes The Flash Tick
If you ever needed an example of what The Flash's greatest strengths are, then look no further than 'Death of the Speed Force'. An episode that relied solely on the core elements that made the show the success that it was in the first place, Wally's return restored that sense of family that once made it tick while the Speed Force-heavy plotline was a reminder of where the show's best storylines lie.
With multiple arcs all revolving around the core group of original characters and their inner turmoil, the speedster-heavy plot and the reprises of some of the show's most recognisable scores - all with some nice new ones - it was hard not to get a nostalgic smile watching this one. And that, friends, is The Flash at its absolute finest.