The Flash/Supergirl Crossover: 12 Awesome Moments From 'Worlds Finest'

2. National City€™s Response

If seeing Supergirl sacrifice herself in an attempt to protect National City, it was even cooler to see the response to this of National City€™s citizens. They may have wavered in their support of the Girl of Steel over the past few episodes, but National City€™s everyday people came to stand alongside their heroine in a great way here. As Livewire got ready to take advantage of the weakened, near-death Supergirl, it was the city that she so strongly protects that came to the Maid of Might€™s aide. And not just the everyday folk, but also the public services, for it was the fire service that finally took down Livewire. Added to this, it was brilliant to see a fireman give Supergirl a hand up off the ground and let her know that they owed her this one.
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Senior Writer

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