The Handmaid's Tale Season 2 Finale: 7 Ups & 1 Down From 'The Word'

5. Serena's Redemption

The Handmaid's Tale

Speaking of sympathising with abhorrent characters, Serena is another that we tend to feel sorry for. The young woman has put June through hell over the past season, and more often than not, we find ourselves despising her. However, much like with Lydia, we've felt sorry for the Waterford mistress too, such as when she was abused by Fred.

The Word gave us many opportunities to sympathise with Serena once more, especially after she lost a finger for reading. But the incident spurs her on to do the right thing, and she not only allows June to escape, she also allows the handmaid to take the baby - because she wants the child to grow up in an environment where she can fulfil her potential. Serena makes a sacrifice for not only her 'daughter', but also for the greater good. She's done some appalling things, but she redeems herself here, and she deserves to be applauded for it. Moss and Strahovski deliver stunning performances in the powerful scene.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.