The Hardest Family Guy Quiz On The Internet!

How well do you know Quahog's favourite family?

Family Guy Quiz

Gone are the days when we would see an animated series and just assume it is a show for children. Once upon a time that was so with great cartoons such as Looney Toons and the animated Disney movies franchise aimed at younger audiences. That was television you could put on for a safe laugh without fear of making Grandma's toes curl.

Then came Family Guy and the notorious Griffin family. Similarly to The Simpsons they have a fat ignorant idiot running the family, a somewhat repressed woman with a wild side married to him and their three children, one being an infant. What makes the difference is that Family Guy is The Simpsons if you took a censor filter off them and turned it up to eleven. Being banned and restored twice Family Guy is nothing if not controversial at times.

Regardless they never fail to get a laugh and have amassed a giant following. But how well do you know the show? Think you have what it takes to beat the HARDEST Family Guy quiz on the internet?

Answers at the end!

1. Why Does Death Hate Clothes Shopping?


Kurt Howes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.