The Mandalorian: 10 Things Star Wars Fans Need To Know About Bo-Katan

6. Katan Became Regent Of Mandalore

The Mandalorian Bo-Katan

For a period of time, Darth Maul (no longer a Sith Lord) was the leader of Mandalore, having defeated Death Watch leader Pre-Vizsla in single-combat. This put him at odds with Kryze, who swore that no outsider should rule Mandalore. She wanted to remove Maul so badly that she even asked Obi-Wan to inform the Republic of Maul's occupation of Mandalore, so that he would be killed.

Kryze eventually got her wish during the Siege of Mandalore, when Ahsoka Tano and a score of clone troopers from the 501st Legion aided her in taking down the former Sith Apprentice. With Maul deposed, Kryze becomes the new Regent of Mandalore.

A regent is someone who is granted temporary leadership status in the state of a monarch being non-existent or overthrown. This position was perfect for Katan, but she only served for a short period until the Empire occupied Mandalore and made Clan Saxon (Imperial sympathisers who previously allied themselves with Maul) the rightful rulers.


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