The Mandalorian 2.1 Review - 5 Ups And 2 Downs


2. It's Another One-And-Done Story

Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1
Lucasfilm / Disney+

I'm actually not as down on the more episodic stories that comprised the central part of The Mandalorian's first season, but I can understand why the approach didn't appeal to many. The show was always at its strongest when it was progressing the central narrative of Din's relationship with The Child and the mystery surrounding why the Imperials were still after them, so to have that broken up by a Seven Samurai homage here, or a heist episode there, did upset the series' pace even just a tad.

Season 2's opener is placed firmly in that 'episodic' category too, and while it's obviously only just getting started, it was slightly disappointing that the core mystery and narrative thrust took a back seat throughout. Again, that's not to say that this episode was a let-down - it was quite the opposite - but for those craving a more serialised narrative, the premiere may prove wanting in certain areas.

We already know that Season 2 has plenty of surprises left in store, and that we'll get closer to understanding the mystery behind The Child and Moff Giddeon, so it's more than okay for the series to bide its time this way.

If nothing else, Chapter 9 serves as a great reintroduction to The Mandalorian, and the aforementioned tease of what's to come has already got me wracking my brain as to how it may all come together.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.