The Mandalorian 2.2 Review - 4 Ups And 2 Downs

1. A Healthy Dose Of Horror

The Mandalorian Chapter 10 Krykna

After delivering on one of the scariest Star Wars creatures ever last week with the krayt dragon, Chapter 10 decided to somehow take that up a whole other notch altogether by announcing the live action debut of Ralph McQuarrie's terrifying knobby white spider.

They're a similar looking bread to the ones seen in Star Wars Rebels, but unlikely to be the same. Either way, huge props must be given to the reveal of the creatures in the second episode. The tension is set up perfectly, with The Child approaching the surrounding eggs like John Hurt in Alien, only for all the eggs to erupt and Mando, The Child and the frog-woman make a quick break for the nearest exit.

The spiders swarming onto the ship has to be one of the all-time scariest Star Wars visuals, and it's once again a testament to the series' cinematic feel that the creatures all look as spectacular as they do.

Star Wars is home to so many genres, and if nothing else, it's great to see that embodied in The Mandalorian.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.