The Mandalorian Season 2: 10 Biggest Moments And Reveals In "The Marshal"

1. What Comes Next?

The Mandalorian

"Chapter 9" ends on something of a cliffhanger with that surprise appearance from Boba Fett, and the question now is what comes next? It's hard to believe that tease won't lead anywhere; sure, it's cool that he's alive, but if this is where his story ends - with him just trapped on Tatooine and living out his life - fans are going to be seriously disappointed.

It's possible Fett will meet Din Djarin and the Child as soon as "Chapter 10," but it's also something The Mandalorian might choose to sit on until later this season or, devastatingly, next year.

Regardless, Din has now regained some Mandalorian armour, but is no closer to finding more of his people than he was at the start of the episode. His journey will continue from here, of course, and that's bound to bring him face to face with Ahsoka Tano before long. Making Fett an antagonist of sorts would make sense too, though Temuera Morrison is likely to play dual roles here.

Remember, rumour has it that he'll also be showing up as former Clone Trooper, Captain Rex, so him meeting Fett could be very interesting indeed...

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.