The Mandalorian Season 2: 10 Biggest Moments And Reveals In "The Marshal"

8. Marshal Cobb Vanth

The Mandalorian
Lucasfilm / Disney+

As the Mandalorian asks around for someone who, well, looks like him, a figure walks into the cantina who should immediately be familiar to fans: Boba Fett!

Well, sort of. The figure wearing the armour is quite a bit lankier, and it clearly doesn't fit him quite right. His voice also doesn't seem to match, and when he removes his helmet - a big no, no for true Mandalorians - it's revealed that Cobb Vanth (played by Deadwood and Justified's Timothy Olyphant) is beneath it.

If the name rings a bell, it's likely because you'll remember him from the Aftermath novel which was released in 2015. Vanth reveals that while he's no Mandalorian, the armour is rightly his after he bought it from some Jawas.

By rights, that armour belongs to a true Mando, however, and the two men are about to come to blows before a massive, dragon-like creature tears through the town.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.