The OA: 9 Crazy Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

4. Khatun Is...

Netflix The OA Prarie Khatun

Khatun is one of the hardest characters to pin down in the entire series, given she's the most mysterious person and the strongest connection to the otherworldly activity that we see happen.

She serves as a spiritual guide to Prairie after she has her NDEs, taking her sight and giving her movements, but who/what exactly is she?

One theory is that she's a nephilim, a half-angel from Christianity, which comes from her exposing one angel wing, and the fact she sits in the middle of numerous floating galaxies. Another intriguing idea is that she is the representation of all the versions of The OA who have died; so when she tells Prairie that she's the "original", it means 'the first one to die'.

The braille on her face, meanwhile, is in German (the character really is a cocktail of cultures and spiritualities if nothing else), with words that have been translated including 'who if', 'because', and 'angel', which most likely just ties in with her being a spirit guide, but could point to her being an angel herself. Her name, meanwhile, is Arabic, meaning 'Lady' or 'Noble woman', which fits with her appearance and status.

There's also a similarity between her name and that of Siberian Shamanism sea goddess Aba-khatun. Shamanism involves reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with a spirit world, which may be what the NDEs are doing for Prairie here.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.