The OA: 9 Crazy Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

3. The Present Day Characters Are Alt-Versions Of The Captives

Netflix The OA Prarie Khatun

The yarn that Prairie spins takes place mostly in our own , recognisable world, but it does also quite clearly visit an alternate dimension: the place the subjects go when they do.

That means we have two dimensions in play (assuming the story is true), but what if there's a third. There's the afterlife place, the 'real' world where Prairie is now, and then a third world with Hap, Homer and the rest. Prairie is trying to get back to them when she jumps, and then surrounds herself with alternate versions of her fellow captives.

There are numerous similarities that can be drawn between the characters. The most obvious is between French and Homer, with the two serving as Prairie's closest disciple, having the same scar, and then French seeing Homer in his reflection.

It doesn't end there though. Buck, a singer, passes a car crash and sees a red backpack, which is similar to Rachel's (also a singer) NDE. Jesse and Scott are outcast types. Betty and Renata are older women, spending time with younger men.

It's not a totally perfect match-up - there's no real accounting for Steve, for example - but it does work to some degree. The show obviously wanted us thinking about other dimensions, and this may be why. It could be that they're exactly the same, having also crossed over (travelling between dimensions causes memory loss), or just spiritual representations of them.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.