The OA Season 2: 11 Big Questions After The New Trailer
6. What's Hap Up To?
While Prairie seems to be confused at first as to what's happened to her, Jason Isaacs' Hap is embracing the situation. He tells her: "We travelled into another dimension. Into other versions of ourselves. Do you understand what we're on the edge of here? It's Godlike, Prairie."
It's not clear what exactly he's planning, but his words don't make it sound like anything good. A lot of the symbolism in this trailer points to the very fabric of the universe - see: the shots of the hexagon, the Instagram post asking "what holds it all together?" - that suggests something much bigger than just Prairie or the other people Hap captured, but they're obviously a key part to his discovering that. Is this all about being able to move between dimensions at will? To break down the barriers between them? Or something even worse?