The Office: 10 Characters You Totally Forgot Existed

5. A.J.

dakota johnson the office

If there was any show that adored love triangles, it was The Office. This series was chock full of the trope, as could be seen in Jim/Pam/Roy, Dwight/Angela/Andy, and, of course, Michael/Holly/A.J. The thing is, while the previous versions of this source of drama had been used to good effect, this one felt a little flat, which is why you probably barely remember it.

A.J. is introduced in season five as Holly's boyfriend, much to the dismay of a jealous Michael Scott who laments that he and Holly have not ended up together. Michael takes some jabs at him, and they eventually move on. However, things between Holly and A.J. came to an end, without him even being on-screen, as Holly gave him an ultimatum to propose during season seven while they were long distance, and he didn't, leading to their break-up.

The most memorable moment from this triangle had to be when Michael immaturely poured coffee over the Woody doll that A.J. bought Holly. Another unlikeable and selfish move from the attention-craving boss. Despite this, things eventually went his way, as Holly and A.J. were done, and fans promptly forgot the whole ordeal.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!