The Office US Quiz: You’ll Never 100% This Dwight Schrute Quiz

Think you know Dwight Schrute in and out? Here’s a quiz only for loyal Dunderheads!

Dwight Schrute The Office

The Office US managed to do something that so many people – particularly Brits – thought would be impossible. Not only did it manage to be as good as its UK predecessor, the US version of The Office hands-down stands as infinitely superior to the admittedly brilliant UK iteration of the property.

Having first aired back in 2005, The Office went onto run for a total of 201 episodes across nine seasons before all was said and done and the series wrapped up in 2013.

It’s without any sense of hyperbole to say that The Office is a piece of utter genius, a masterpiece of television that takes the mockumentary formula and puts itself on a pedestal above each and every similar TV series.

While Steve Carell was clearly pegged as the headline act of The Office when the show began, the character who likely stole the hearts of many a viewer was Rainn Wilson’s Dwight Schrute.

The biggest nerd of a heavily nerdy bunch, Dwight role in the show was arguably the most important, and he was responsible for some of most brilliant subtle and not-to-subtle laughs seen throughout The Office.

Think you know Dwight Schrute in and out? Here’s a quiz that will separate the Dunderheads from the, err, dunderheads – as we’ve put together the toughest Dwight true or false quiz you’ll find anywhere!

1. What Is Dwight's Middle Name?


Sean Marshall hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.