The Politician Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs

1. It Feels Like Event Television

the politican

A political drama in today's day and age was an inevitability. In spite of that (and the fact that there are other political dramas on the air), The Politician still feels like something special. Sure, it's not perfect and there are a couple of issues that should be cleared up going forward, but there's something so compelling and larger-than-life about the whole thing that it's hard to look away.

It's almost like Glee's first season in that it's attempting to use these exaggerated characters to take a stance on important issues, and although it hasn't exactly figured itself out yet, it's learning and, hopefully with more room to grow, it will do just that. And as it does so, it's making for one heck of an entertaining and unmissable ride.

Though that special feeling waned a little throughout, the finale changed things up in such a way that it actually felt more like a season premiere and, in the process, breathed some life back into the narrative - restoring that main event vibe that the season started off with.

Here's hoping it can continue to keep that promise going forward.


What did you make of The Politician? Tell us in the comment section below.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.