The Simpsons: 10 Best Martin Prince Moments

1. The Road Trip

Though it doesn’t get mentioned as much as Homer’s Enemy, You Only Move Twice, Last Exit To Springfield, Homer The Smithers... (this list could go on a while), Bart On The Road deserves to be in the all time top ten conversation for the show.

Led by Bart, we see Nelson, Milhouse and Martin supporting the episode brilliantly, along with a touching subplot where Lisa and Homer bond at the Power Plant.

After Bart gets a fake ID, he tries to do fun things with it alongside Milhouse and Nelson. After being tricked by the title of Naked Lunch and being put off booze by the state of Moe’s barflies, they’re struggling for ID ideas.

However, once Martin arrives with some cash, they’re able to rent a car and head for the World Fair in Knoxville. Once they get there though, it turns out the 'Wod Fir' closed years ago, and when the sun sphere tower crushes their car, the boys are stranded.

Martin is probably the least involved of the four, but even without his money he still plays an important part. His naivety, intelligence and confidence in his own wussiness leads to some brilliant dynamics in the group.

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The Simpsons
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)