The Simpsons: 10 Best Martin Prince Moments

2. Queen Of Summertime

Bart Of Darkness is best known for Bart’s slow deterioration as he’s wheelchair bound for the summer, leading to him suspecting Flanders of murdering his wife. It’s a great episode, but the often overlooked subplot features Martin heavily.

His first appearance comes when he’s bragging about how many bathing shorts he’s wearing, thinking there’s no way the bullies can take them all. This is his first example of hubris in the episode, but not his last.

Later, Lisa becomes the popular girl on account of her pool; Bart, having broken his leg, reaps none of these benefits. Several kids from school who don’t even know Lisa come over just for the pool, but Martin conspires to steal the popularity for himself.

While a construction crew are putting up his new, bigger pool to steal Lisa’s ‘friends’, he muses to himself that he’ll soon be ‘Queen of Summertime’, before quickly correcting himself to ‘King’.

In the end, his pool becomes so overloaded with guests that it breaks open, spilling water everywhere. His fair-weather friends all disappear, and he’s left in his garden, thinking sadly about his own downfall.

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The Simpsons
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)