The Simpsons: 10 Best Sideshow Bob Episodes

1. Cape Feare

Sideshow Bob - Die Bart Die
20th Television

Despite all the enjoyable entries in the great tradition of Sideshow Bob episodes, the best can only ever be Cape Feare. This season five instalment is the defining chapter in Bob's vendetta against Bart, due to its use of the character, the clever parody of Cape Fear that forms its plot, and just its general tirade of hilarity.

There are so many brilliant moments scattered across its half hour runtime, from Bob convincing his parole officers his 'Die, Bart, Die' tattoo is German ("well, no one who speaks German could be an evil man.") to the Homer classic: "BART DO YOU WANNA SEE MY CHAINSAW AND HOCKEY MASK!" And, of course, the introduction of Bob's other arch-enemy - garden rakes.

Quite rightly seen as one of the greatest Simpsons episodes ever, Cape Feare somehow made us all love the psychopath who keeps trying to kill a ten year old boy. Bob may just be a sideshow, but he certainly does steal the whole show when he's around.

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