The Simpsons: 10 Characters Who Could Definitely Be Killed Off

6. Edna Krabappel

EdnaVoiced By: Marcia Wallace Emmy Winning Episodes: "Bart The Lover" Will the bell toll for the end of Edna's mortal school day? Chances Of Dying? Edna is another of the show's long-running losers: she is typically unlucky in love, hates her career and lives a quiet, lonely life, despite her cynical exterior appearance. Killing her would be a lot like killing Moe, though hers would be a more sympathetic and less comical death. The show will probably gain nothing by offing her, because her condition - like Moe's - is her selling point, and her misery is a good source of pathos, if not outright comedy. The implications of Edna's death on Principal Skinner and Bart could certainly be worthwhile, with both devastated for different reasons, but Edna doesn't deserve to die. How She Should Die One of Bart's pranks gone horribly wrong, but you have to suspect the writers might steer clear of turning the lovable rogue into a cold-hearted killer (no matter how unintentional.) Bart is the kind of wayward spirit who would be chewed up by the system, and jailtime would be no more than a quick education in how to be professionally bad - and though a Breaking Bad-style grown-up spin-off might be fun, that's not going to happen any time soon.

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