The Simpsons: 10 Characters Who Could Definitely Be Killed Off

7. Comic Book Guy

Comic Book GuyVoiced By: Hank Azaria Emmy Winning Episode: "Worst Episode Ever" He's survived a heart attack, but will the king of Springfield's nerds finally get a comeuppance for his biting sarcasm? Chances Of Dying? Comic Book Guy would follow the trend of characters who have already died in the show. He is more beloved than any of the three major deaths so far, but his status isn't particularly lofty enough that his death would cause so many ripples in The Simpsons universe that future writers would always have to remember to reference it, which is presumably a big concern for the show's forward plans. Al Jean will know that one massive heart attack for the character lead to a well-deserved Emmy nod, so maybe a full-on death will reap even greater accolades and reward. It would perhaps be a mistake to remove Comic Book Guy from the world, as he is the closest link to real-life the show is ever likely to have: he is cynical, perpetually miserable and he is a walking reference to the show's fiercely devoted online community. Kill him and the fan service ends. How He Should Die Spontaneous combustion after the revelation of Ben Affleck as Batman, or the news that Star Wars: Episode VII will strongly feature Jar Jar Binks. If this was real life, a massive heart attack, or an Elvis Presley-like toilet-related death would probably do for him.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.