The Simpsons: 10 Fates Worse Than Death

3. Lisa Simpson's Genesis Tub

The Simpsons Homer Donut
20th Television

Another Treehouse of Horror entry, The Genesis Tub, sees Lisa locked away forever in a micro-universe of her own making. She is far from safe there as the devil that haunts them all - Bart - now controls the tub. This hardly spells a happy ending for anyone involved.

The universe was created accidentally with a combination of Buzz Cola, her own tooth and a static electric shock. Overnight, a mini-ecosystem builds up. Though she doesn't initially see it, she has also created sentient life. This quickly becomes clear once she sees flames rising from the fire they have discovered how to make.

Time moves rapidly for them, with her little people discovering religion, quickly followed by huge technological advancements. There is a set back by Bart's destructive finger, poking and prodding. The Tub fights back against him, sending an armada of ships to take him on, though he is so much bigger than them that it barely constitutes a bee-sting.

While all of this is happening, Lisa is worshipped as a deity. They send out a shrinking ray to bring her to them, little realising this takes away any power of protection she had. Their version of Professor Frink claims that the idea of returning her to normal size is ridiculous! She is trapped at a microscopic level, ageing far faster than the rest of her family, doomed to live and expire in the blink of an eye.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick