The Simpsons: 10 Greatest Rock Star Moments

3.  The Ramones (S5 E04 “Rosebud”)

The Ramones’ appearance in “Rosebud” may be brief, but for a band of their stature, is as punk rock and legendary as it can get.

In this episode, which parodies the Orson Welles film Citizen Kane, an ageing Mr Burns pines for his favourite childhood toy, a lost teddy bear named Bobo, a symbol of much happier times.

As part of Mr Burns’ birthday bash, Mr Smithers hires The Ramones to perform a punk rendition of "Happy Birthday", which the band does, reluctantly. After Johnny Ramone shouts “up yours” and C.J. Ramone says “go to hell, you old b****rd”, Burns, not knowing the band’s name, orders Smithers to have The Rolling Stones killed, even after Smithers tries to correct him.

When the beloved Bobo eventually turns up in a bag of ice at the Kwik-E-Mart, the bear finds its way into the hands of Maggie, who is hesitant to let it go.

While Mr Burns is eventually reunited with the teddy (turns out Bobo had quite a life), the fate of the Ramones at the hands of the belligerent billionaire remains unknown.


I’m Stiggy. A Brit raised stateside, I have a deep love of music, am an avid gig-goer, and generally love to go places and see things. I have a BA in American Studies (it’s a real subject, I swear), and work full time somewhere in northern England.