The Simpsons: 10 Major Plot-Holes Everyone Ignores

7. Ned Isn't At Church In 'Homer The Heretic'

The Simpsons Unky Herb Homer

Very strange one here. Some of these go across different episodes, only really causing a plot hole of you consider the shows as part of the whole Simpsons saga. This one though rips a hole right through its central theme.

Homer The Heretic comes from early in the Simpsons canon, when religion was a central fixture in their lives. These days, its gone off the boil a bit, but back then Homer deciding to ditch church was a major deal. For him though, it turns out to be the best day of his life, so much so that he swears off church altogether.

In fact, he becomes downright sacrilegious. He rejects religion as a whole concept, then seems to be cosmically punished when a cigar sets the house alight. In a poetic twist of fate, the holiest man in Springfield, Ned Flanders is the one to save him, while volunteer firefighters Apu and Krusty (both mocked by Homer for their religion) arrive to put the fire out.

The only issue is that the rest of the Simpson family are at church. That’s the whole point of the episode; that Homer skips church. But why is Ned skipping church too?

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