The Simpsons: 10 Most Controversial Moments Ever

6. “We’re Just Like The Waltons"

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The Simpsons have made plenty of political enemies over the years. Given the nature of their content, it would have been more shocking if they hadn’t. Among their famous foes and critics, was the late President Bush Sr.

Their feud was kicked off proper by Bush’s wife Barbara, who described it as one of the worst things she had ever come across. The man himself took a further jab at the show by suggesting American families need to be more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons.

Of course, there was no way the showrunners would let this slide without a response. In a subsequent episode, all of five of them are seen watching Bush’s speech, with Bart retorting that they are not all that different from Waltons. Because after all, they were praying for an end to a depression too.

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