The Simpsons: 10 Utterly Heart-Breaking Moments You'll Never Forget

8. Homer "Dies"

Homer Lives One Fish Two Fish Blowfish Blue Fish1

When Homer eats some blow fish and is given twenty two hours to live thanks to the careless carvery of the chef who prepared the potentially deadly meal, he embarks on a brief journey of self-realisation, attempting to rifle through a bucket list.

He builds bridges, tells Mr Burns what he thinks of him, and enjoys a final beer at Moes before attempting to spend some quality time with his family. Everything implodes, naturally, but there is a lot of sentimentality beneath the ominous and impending doom, and we get to see a side of Homer we hadn't really seen before then.

The most touching moment comes with Homer's final acceptance, when he creeps around the house, silently saying goodbye to each sleeping member of his family before retiring to listen to an audiobook of the Bible to wait for death. Naturally, he doesn't die, as the fish he ate wasn't poisonous, but that doesn't rob anything from the moment.

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