The Simpsons: 10 Worst Characters Ever

1. Yes Man

The Simpsons Lisa

Many characters in Springfield have catchphrases, but most of them have relatively fleshed out personalities to go with it. Even the ones that don’t, like Duff Man, at least have a little extra personality to back up their trademark quip. The Yes Man though, as his name suggests, does not.

The ‘Yeeeeeeees!’ can be a bit annoying for some, but that’s different strokes. It’s not that the gag is bad so much as it’s the fact that’s all he ever does. It hit diminishing returns a long time ago, and it’s so two dimensional that it’s even annoying on reruns now.

The worst part is that he was created to be a more upper class version of Raphael, the Sarcastic Guy, one who could fit in more seamlessly at The Guilded Truffle or Costington’s. All that means though is that every time the Yes Man is on screen, we’re reminded of how much funnier it might have been with the criminally underrated Raphael at the helm instead.

With so many great characters and episodes down the decades, The Simpsons is allowed a few stinkers. Make no mistake though, Yes Man is the worst of the lot.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)