The Simpsons: 10 Worst Characters Ever

6. Gil Gunderson

The Simpsons Lisa

Gil was, at one time, a great character to pop every now and then with his Jack Lemon parodying rambles. He was very much a ‘get a giggle, go away’ character, similar to Cookie Kwan who makes her debut with Gil in the Season 9 episode Realty Bites.

While Cookie has been used sparingly since then (some would even argue a little too sparingly), the writers have overloaded us with Gil. Even that was nice up until a point; he was a fresh character with enough new scope to make you laugh.

Unfortunately, breaking point was reached with Kill Gil Vol 1 & 2, a Christmas special where Gil stays with the Simpsons over Christmas then mooches off them for the whole year. It destroys any goodwill he had with the family, and the fans to boot.

Not content with ruining one Christmas special, Season 30’s ‘Tis The Thirthieth Season also features Gil. Marge waits for a TV on Black Friday, but Gil spins her a yarn about needing to buy a teddy for his niece. Once inside, Marge abandons the TV her family desperately want to help Gil get the teddy; he then immediately sells it to Lovejoy for a quick profit.

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