The Simpsons: 10 Worst Characters Ever

7. Sherri & Terri

The Simpsons Lisa
20th Century Fox

In the early days when The Simpsons had a relatively thin cast, Sherri & Terri appeared quite frequently. However, as the cast expanded the twins got a little lost in the shuffle, and they’ve never been fully utilised since.

Both share the same personality, being sweetly malicious; getting others into trouble but acting like butter wouldn’t melt. This is definitely a good dynamic when paired against Milhouse, Bart, Lisa or even occasionally Nelson, but this would be just as effective with Sherri alone. In short, they rarely take advantage of the twin angle.

The scene where they practise their secret twin language, or times when their personalities are shown to be different (‘you ruin everything you big ruiner! My sister likes you...’) are more like it, but they’re just too fleeting. These days, since they’re yet to cast a permanent replacement for Mrs. Krabappel, the kids don’t get utilised as much anyway.

A recent Season 30 sees Bart become an E-Sports star, but the girl drafted in to help is neither Sherri nor Terri, but instead Krusty’s seldom seen daughter. Not only does this take you out of the moment a little, it’s also an indication of how far their stock has fallen.

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