The Simpsons: 10 Worst Characters Ever

3. Dolph

The Simpsons Lisa
20th Century Fox Television

Dolph has some decent lines, in fairness, and he’s probably funnier than most of the characters below him. But just imagine your favourite Dolph line for a second (and if you can’t, well, all the more reason to put him here). Now imagine Jimbo, Kearney or Nelson saying it: no difference, is there?

They just don’t need a fourth bully. Nelson is clearly an established character, one of Springfield’s best, so he’s in no danger. Jimbo is a distant second but still fairly established as the leader of the usual trio when Nelson’s not around.

Kearney then has the frequent callback of actually being an adult, which is always good for a chuckle. There’s his little baby Kearney who appears now and then, and the revelation that he and Otto were in third grade together. Dolph though has nothing.

He’s Jewish, but for all The Simpsons laughs at stereotypes, they’ve got a much more kid gloves approach to religion than Family Guy or South Park. This means that aside from the occasional nonsensical mention of going to Hebrew school, Dolph just doesn’t stand out.

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The Simpsons
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