The Simpsons: 10 Worst Episodes Ever

7. Every Man's Dream

Simpsons Every Man’s Dream

Homer gets diagnosed with narcolepsy, leading him on an odyssey of bad calls in the writers' room. A terrible way to kick off season twenty-seven, the episode stumbles through themes of separation and infidelity before a take on the oft-mocked 'it was all a dream' ending trope.

After several decades of ageless marriage, Homer and Marge call it quits and start seeing other people. A divorce storyline could've been a huge (if rather miserable) arc to build several episodes of the show around. Instead, we get this botch festival that ends on Hannah from Girls revealing the whole thing was a tattoo for reasons unknown to everyone beyond writer J. Stewart Burns.

Homer plugging away at saving his marriage after yet another mishap has to be the most overused plot line in series history. While the idea lead to some classics in the old days of the show, by 2015, it was completely out of juice. Worse still was how relaxed the episode was in its approach to Homer seeing another woman. The whole thing felt half-hearted and ultimately pointless, never a good combo.

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