The Simpsons: 11 Most Paused Moments

10. Who Shot Mr Burns?

The Simpsons Most Paused

The "Who Shot Mr Burns" two-part episode was a deliberate publicity stunt on Matt Groening’s behalf and fair play, it got results. All fans now know Maggie was the one who shot the old man. But when it first aired, this was a huge deal and got everybody chatting about who did it.

Because of the widespread talk of the cliffhanger, FOX even offered a contest where callers could guess who the mystery shooter was. This got people analysing the episode to pick up any clues.

Perhaps the prime scene that can give you an idea of who did it is the very last part of Act 1, when the people of Springfield gather around to see Mr Burns collapsed on the sundial. From the mindset of viewers at the time, a possible hint is that anybody not present could be a possible suspect – note Homer, a principal character, is not present and neither is Mr Smithers, the person who was closest to Mr Burns, along with other secondary characters missing from the final moments.

Yes, we all know it was Maggie who shot Mr Burns but this storyline is just as intense, cleverly paced and suspenseful today as it was when it first came on screens. That’s why even if fans know the mystery, they still pause throughout the first part of Who Shot Mr Burns to see if there was any foreshadowing or hidden details that they may have missed.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid