The Simpsons: 14 Most Controversial Episodes Of All Time

3. There€™s Something About Marrying

The Simpsons may have addressed gay relationships in episodes of yore, but they entered a whole new world of controversy when they decided to tackle the issue of same-sex marriage in 2005 €“ a whole decade before the US Supreme Court ruled it a legal. Though it takes a bit of a silly approach to the issue, using same-sex marriage as a tool for attracting tourists to Springfield, it was praised by many for tackling such a hotly debated issue with gay rights group GLAAD hailing it as "a ray of light." Nevertheless, unprogressive groups like conservative watch dogs the Parents Television Council took issue with There€™s Something About Marrying stating: "You've got a show watched by millions of children. Do children need to have gay marriage thrust in their faces as an issue?"
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