The Simpsons: 15 Modern Episodes You Need To Watch

6. The Seemingly Never-Ending Story (Season 17, Episode 13)

Simpsons 8

"I was the happiest guy in the world, but fate likes to play a little game called 'Up Yours, Moe'" - Moe Szyslak

One of the most ambitious episodes narratively that The Simpsons has ever produced. While the series has played around with intertwining stories before - most notably in '22 Short Tales About Springfield' and 'Trilogy of Error' - the scope of what the show achieved here in 'The Seemingly Never-Ending Story' was on another level entirely.

This episode takes a series of secondary characters - Moe, Snake and Mr Burns - and entwines their B-plot style stories in a 'story within a story within a story' structure via various retellings by numerous characters inside Carl's Dad Caverns (so called because they were discovered by Carl's dad). On their own, none of the stories would be that remarkable but collectively they make for a compelling and clever episode which deservingly won an Emmy for its troubles.

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Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...