The Simpsons: 15 Most Underrated Golden Age Episodes

6. The Secret War of Lisa Simpson

Mr Lisa Goes To Washington

Considering that some feel that season 8 was the last true hurrah for the series, that must mean that this is the final episode to some. So, as the final chapter in the golden age and the second successive finale that focuses on Lisa in an unfamiliar setting, it's clear ideas were wearing thin in this final chapter.

One unquestionably intelligent idea was to bring this one to fruition. As it debuted in 1997, it's arguable that although it was impressive at the time, it's become progressive and predominantly more relevant today.

The focus is almost entirely on Lisa - with a little of Bart thrown in for good measure - proving herself as a competent girl in a military school overwrought with male bravado. The testosterone-fuelled preadolescents are determined to weed the under-equipped Lisa out, but her character never strays as her resilience to their incessant teasing and bullying throughout is something they didn't expect she had in her arsenal.

It works on two separate levels (three if you include the recurring Disneyland joke that never fails to resonate with parents), as the story shifts in tone from one step to the next. As the sole Lisa story takes charge, but is reinforced with a charming plot about sibling love as much as it is rivalry.

The secret war is a secret hit that everyone should seek out, whether on rewatch or first viewing.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: