The Simpsons: 15 Most Underrated Golden Age Episodes

5. I Love Lisa

Mr Lisa Goes To Washington

The final - and best - of the most underrated Lisa driven stories is a rare story based around love and relationships, and just what you should not do when you find yourself inadvertently part of one.

It's also an important episode for giving the spotlight to a measly background character like Ralph - bringing him into the foray and solidifying him as more than just a kid at the back of the class who makes silly, unorthodox observations. It's one of the few times he feels like a genuine character, not one with an intricate personality per se, but one that feels more like a person than his modern counterpart.

After Lisa choo-choo-chooses Ralph as a valentine - out of forced kindness - Ralph quickly grows a fixation on her, enamoured in an incredibly unhealthy way. It gets intensely vitriolic when the two are broadcasted together at an awards show of which they are not recipients, unless you count Lisa receiving the announcement of Ralph's love live on the air, to which she does not reciprocate Ralph's idea of their couple status.

Everything turns rather sour if not straight up heartbreaking, especially in the fashion that it's presented in. Not to mention Ralph would've done anything for her, even laying down tar and fumigating himself for reasons he doesn't understand.

All is resolved by the bittersweet end, and the status quo is reset once again.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: