The Simpsons: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of All Time

7. Lisa's First Word -28.6m


Season 4 Episode 10

The dynamic between Lisa and Bart is another subject that has inevitably played out a lot over the course of the past 25 years, and this first look back to their "origin" was one of the high points of the first four seasons. So successful was it that the drop down towards the 20 million mark as a standard was arrested temporarily and the viewing figures spiked back towards those of the first two seasons.

It's a great episode, sweet and funny, but with a genuine look at a struggling young family and the economic and relationship strains that come with it: the kind of blend that has made the show enduringly popular for so long.

The episode also features the first word Maggie ever speaks - "Daddy" - though the moment has been screwed with a little thanks to subsequent flash back episodes.

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